News & Tech Tips

Paying tribute to auditor independence

In the spirit of Independence Day, it’s a good time to review the rules for auditor independence. If you discover potential issues now, there’s still plenty of time to take corrective action before next year’s audit begins.

Definition of independence

Independence is one of the most important requirements for audit firms. It’s why investors and lenders trust CPAs to provide unbiased opinions about the presentation of a company’s financial results. The AICPA and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have rules regarding auditor independence. Even the U.S. Department of Labor has issued independence guidance for auditors of employee benefit plans.

The AICPA specifically goes to great lengths to explain how audit firms can maintain their independence from the companies they audit. In short, auditors can’t provide any services for an audit client that would normally fall to the company’s management to complete. Auditors also can’t engage in any relationships with their clients that would 1) compromise their objectivity, 2) require them to audit their own work, or 3) result in self-dealing, a conflict of interest or advocacy.

Independence is a matter of professional judgment, but it’s something that accountants take seriously. A firm that violates the independence rules calls into question the accuracy and integrity of its clients’ financial statements.

Prohibited services

Under Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X, the SEC specifically prohibits auditors from providing the following nonaudit services to a publicly traded audit client or its affiliates:

  • Bookkeeping,
  • Financial information systems design and implementation,
  • Appraisal or valuation services, fairness opinions or contribution-in-kind reports,
  • Actuarial services,
  • Internal audit outsourcing services,
  • Management functions or human resources,
  • Broker-dealer, investment advisor or investment banking services, and
  • Legal services and expert services unrelated to the audit.

This list isn’t exhaustive. Audit committees should consider whether any service provided by the audit firm may impair the firm’s independence in fact or appearance. SEC independence rules also prohibit audit firms and auditors from engaging in financial relationships with their public audit clients, such as contingent fees, banking, insurance, debtor-creditor arrangements, broker-dealer relationships and futures commission merchant accounts.

In the spotlight

In a recent statement, the SEC’s Acting Chief Accountant Paul Munter noted that current market conditions have caused many companies to engage in complex business arrangements, including restructurings and special purpose acquisition companies. “Such arrangements have the potential to undermine auditor independence. The [general standard of independence, Rule 2-01(b)] is the heart of the Commission’s auditor independence rule, it always applies, and the Commission investigates and enforces against violations of the general standard,” said Munter.

Independence is a critical issue for public and private companies alike. Contact your auditor to discuss any questions you may have regarding auditor independence.

© 2022

Consider stress testing to lower risks

The pandemic and the ensuing economic turmoil have put tremendous stress on businesses. Many companies that appeared healthy on the surface, on their financial statements, quickly realized that they weren’t prepared for the unexpected. A so-called “stress test” of your company’s financial position and its ability to withstand a crisis can help prevent this situation from recurring in the future.

In general, stress tests evaluate a company’s ability to handle an economic crisis. A stress test includes the following three steps:

1. Determine the types of risks the business faces

Identify the operational, financial, compliance, reputational and strategic risks your company might face. For example, operational risks cover the inner workings of the company and can include dealing with the impact of a natural disaster. Financial risks involve how the company manages its finances, including the threat of fraud. Compliance risks relate to issues that might attract the attention of government regulators. Strategic risk refers to the company’s market focus and its ability to respond to changes in consumer preferences.

2. Develop a risk-management plan

Once you’ve identified these risks, it’s time to meet with your management team to improve your collective understanding of the threats facing the business, including their financial impact and the ability of your business to absorb that impact. In addition to asking for feedback about the risks you identified, encourage them to share any additional risks and projections regarding the potential financial impact.

From there, your management team can develop a game plan to mitigate risk. For example, if your company operates in an area prone to natural disasters, such as earthquakes or wildfires, you should have a disaster recovery plan in place. If your company relies heavily on a key person, you should develop a viable succession plan and consider purchasing insurance in case that person unexpectedly dies or becomes disabled.

3. Review the plan

Risk management is a continuous improvement process. New risks may emerge, old risks may fade away and the best-laid plans may become outdated over time. Meet with your management team at least annually to review copies of your current plan and consider updating it. If the risk management plan has been recently activated, ask for an assessment of its effectiveness and the changes that may need to be adopted in the aftermath.

We can help

A stress test can reveal blind spots that can affect your company’s future financial performance. This exercise is increasingly important in today’s unpredictable marketplace. While risk is part of operating any business, some companies are more prepared to handle the unexpected than others. Contact us for help conducting a stress test to assess your business’s risk preparedness and to identify and reinforce any vulnerabilities.

© 2022

Court is in Session – Will Ohio Municipalities Grant Refunds for 2020 Municipal Income Tax?

The Ohio Supreme Court stated on Tuesday that it will hear Schaad v. Alder, one of five municipal income tax cases brought to court by The Buckeye Institute, to challenge Ohio’s emergency-based system employed during the COVID-19 outbreak. The cases revolve around the first year of the epidemic when municipalities rejected otherwise qualified remote employees’ municipal tax refunds.


The debate boils down to the location of where the services were rendered and who the tax responsibility lies with. According to the Buckeye Institute, “For more than 70 years, the Ohio Supreme Court has recognized that the Constitution prohibits local governments from taxing the income of individuals who neither live nor perform work in the taxing city – and, yes, the constitution applies even during a global pandemic,” said Robert Alt, president and chief executive officer of The Buckeye Institute and one of Mr. Schaad’s lawyers. “The Ohio Supreme Court now has the chance to fix an Orwellian system in which the state forced people to work from home under penalty of criminal penalties, but then arbitrarily deemed that same job was conducted when it wasn’t—often in higher-taxed office settings.”


Looking back to a similar case from 2015. The Ohio Supreme Court case, Hillenmeyer v. Cleveland, stated that local taxation of nonresident compensation “must be based on the taxpayer’s location when the services were rendered.”


Even before the pandemic, Josh Schaad of Blue Ash, Ohio, worked offsite for his job several days a week and had regularly requested and received appropriate refunds for labor accomplished outside Cincinnati. However, after the Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 197 which deemed all labor conducted remotely because of a health emergency was determined to have been completed at the employee’s primary place of work for income tax withholding reasons. Due to this change, Mr. Schaad’s municipal income tax bill increased even though he was spending less time in his main office than he had the years before.


In 2021, OSCPA campaigned to achieve an amendment in H.B. 110 that would allow qualifying remote workers to receive municipal tax refunds for Tax Year 2021. In the same bill, the Ohio Legislature delegated responsibility for 2020 refunds to the Ohio Supreme Court. The goal for the Buckeye Institutes to have the Ohio Supreme Court acknowledge the distinction between employers’ withholding and employees’ tax responsibility.


The Court has not scheduled a hearing date for this case. However, it will most likely be in late 2022 or early 2023. The case was taken up by Justices Kennedy, DeWine, Fischer, and Donnelly. Justices O’Connor, Stewart, and Brunner were the only ones to vote no.


Whalen CPAs has been on top of this matter since the start of the pandemic. If your work location was impacted during, and possibly after the pandemic, it is likely your Whalen professional has spoken to you about your municipal tax filing options. We are staying current on the Schaad case. Rest assured, should a favorable ruling mean a tax refund opportunity for you, Whalen will be ready to assist.

Warning for retailers and other businesses using the LIFO method

Recent supply shortages may cause unexpected problems for some businesses that use the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method for their inventory. Here’s an overview of what’s happening so you won’t be blindsided by the effects of so-called “LIFO liquidation.”

Inventory reporting methods

Retailers generally record inventory when it’s received and title transfers to the company. Then, it moves to cost of goods sold when the product ships and title transfers to the customer. You have choices when it comes to reporting inventory costs. Three popular methods are:

1. Specific identification. When a company’s inventory is one of a kind, such as artwork or custom jewelry, it may be appropriate to use the specific-identification method. Here, each item is reported at historic cost and that amount is generally carried on the books until the specific item is sold.

2. First-in, first-out (FIFO). Under this method, the first units entered into inventory are the first ones presumed sold. This method assumes that merchandise is sold in the order it was acquired or produced. Thus, the cost of goods sold is based on older — and often lower — prices.

3. LIFO. Under this method, the last units entered are the first presumed sold. Using LIFO usually causes the low-cost items to remain in inventory. Higher cost of sales generates lower pretax earnings as long as inventory keeps growing.

Downside of LIFO method

LIFO works as a tax deferral strategy, as long as costs and inventory levels are rising. But there’s a potential downside to using LIFO: The tax benefits may unexpectedly reverse if a company that’s using LIFO reduces its ending inventory to a level below the beginning inventory balance. As higher inventory costs are used up, the company will need to start dipping into lower-cost layers of inventory, triggering taxes on “phantom income” that the LIFO method previously has allowed the company to defer. This is commonly known as LIFO liquidation.

Retailers, such as auto dealers, that have less inventory on hand in 2022 may be facing this situation. Higher tax obligations could exacerbate any financial distress they’re currently experiencing.

Fortunately, the House is currently considering legislation — the Supply Chain Disruptions Relief Act — that would provide relief to auto dealers affected by LIFO liquidation. Specifically, the bill would let them wait until the end of 2025 to replace their new vehicle inventory for purposes of determining income for sales in 2020 and 2021. Stay tuned for any progress on this proposed law.

For more information

Accounting for inventory is one of the more complicated parts of U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Fortunately, we can help evaluate the optimal reporting method for your business and discuss any concerns you may have regarding LIFO liquidation in today’s volatile marketplace.

© 2022

Private business owners: Don’t wait until year end to evaluate financial performance

How often does your company generate a full set of financial statements? It’s common for smaller businesses to issue only year-end financials, but interim reporting can be helpful, particularly in times of uncertainty. Given today’s geopolitical risks, mounting inflation and rising costs, it’s wise to perform a midyear check-in to monitor your year-to-date performance. Based on the results, you can then pivot to take advantage of emerging opportunities and minimize unexpected threats.

Appreciate the diagnostic benefits

Monthly, quarterly and midyear financial reports can provide insight into trends and possible weaknesses. Interim reporting can be especially helpful for businesses that have been struggling during the pandemic.

For example, you might compare year-to-date revenue for 2022 against your annual budget. If your business isn’t growing or achieving its goals, find out why. Perhaps you need to provide additional sales incentives, implement a new ad campaign or alter your pricing. It’s also important to track costs during an inflationary market. If your business is starting to lose money, you might need to consider 1) raising prices or 2) cutting discretionary spending. For instance, you might need to temporarily scale back on your hours of operation, reduce travel expenses or implement a hiring freeze.

Don’t forget the balance sheet. Reviewing major categories of assets and liabilities can help detect working capital problems before they spiral out of control. For instance, a buildup of accounts receivable may signal collection problems. A low stock of key inventory items might foreshadow delayed shipments and customer complaints, signaling an urgent need to find alternative suppliers. Or, if your company is drawing heavily on its line of credit, your operations might not be generating sufficient cash flow.

Recognize potential shortcomings

When interim financials seem out of whack, don’t panic. Some anomalies may not be caused by problems in your daily business operations. Instead, they might result from informal accounting practices that are common midyear (but are corrected by you or your CPA before year-end statements are issued).

For example, some controllers might liberally interpret period “cutoffs” or use subjective estimates for certain account balances and expenses. In addition, interim financial statements typically exclude costly year-end expenses, such as profit sharing and shareholder bonuses. Interim financial statements, therefore, tend to paint a rosier picture of a company’s performance than its year-end report potentially may.

Furthermore, many companies perform time-consuming physical inventory counts exclusively at year end. Therefore, the inventory amount shown on the interim balance sheet might be based solely on computer inventory schedules or, in some instances, management’s estimate using historic gross margins. Similarly, accounts receivable may be overstated, because overworked finance managers may lack time or personnel to adequately evaluate whether the interim balance contains any bad debts.

Proceed with caution

Contact us to help with your interim reporting needs. We can fix any shortcomings by performing additional procedures on interim financials prepared in-house — or by preparing audited or reviewed midyear statements that conform to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

© 2022