News & Tech Tips

Take your financial statements to the next level

Spring is the time of year that calendar-year-end businesses issue financial statements and prepare tax returns. This year, take your financial data beyond compliance. Here’s how financial statements can be used to be proactive, not reactive, to changes in the marketplace.

Perform a benchmarking study

Financial statements can be used to evaluate the company’s current performance vs. past performance or against industry norms. A comprehensive benchmarking study includes the following elements:

Size. This is usually in terms of annual revenue, total assets or market share.

Growth. How much the company’s size has changed from previous periods.

Profitability. This section evaluates whether the business is making money from operations — before considering changes in working capital accounts, investments in capital expenditures and financing activities.

Liquidity. Working capital ratios help assess how easily assets can be converted into cash and whether current assets are sufficient to cover current liabilities.

Asset management. Such ratios as total asset turnover (revenue divided by total assets) or inventory turnover (cost of sales divided by inventory) show how well the company manages its assets.

Leverage. This identifies how the company finances its operations — through debt or equity. There are pros and cons of both.

No universal benchmarks apply to all types of businesses. It’s important to seek data sorted by industry, size and geographic location, if possible.

Forecast the future

Financial statements also may be used to plan for the future. Historical results are often the starting point for forecasted balance sheets, income statements and statements of cash flows.
For example, variable expenses and working capital accounts are often assumed to grow in tandem with revenue. Other items, such as rent and management salaries, are fixed over the short run. These items may need to increase in steps over the long run. For instance, your company may eventually need to expand its factory or purchase equipment to grow if it’s currently at (or near) full capacity.
By tracking sources and uses of cash on the forecasted statement of cash flows, you can identify when cash shortfalls are likely to happen and plan how to make up the difference. For example, you might need to draw on the company’s line of credit, request additional capital contributions, lay off workers, reduce inventory levels or improve collections. In turn, these changes will flow through to the company’s forecasted balance sheet.

We can help

When your year-end financial statements are delivered, consider asking for guidance on how to put them to work for you. We can help you benchmark your results over time or against industry norms and plan for the future. Contact us for more information.

You’re Selling Your Business?

Selling your business can be a bittersweet experience. While you may be excited for the future, it’s the end of an era. Be sure you don’t overlook these considerations.


You’ll still need health insurance, which you’ll likely have to pay for on your own. Also, review your disability and life insurance needs. Policies that your company used to pay for will now have to come out of your pocket.


Work with your tax professional to create a plan to minimize the taxes you’ll owe from the sale. That could include making donations to your favorite charity, gifting money to children and grandchildren or setting up a donor-advised fund.


If you’re retiring, planning for your new free time is just as important as the financial decisions you’ll need to make. Without the routine of working, you may feel lost. Take ample time to prioritize how you want to fill your days to stave off boredom and loneliness. You may find that it takes a year or more to settle into a new routine.

Meals & Entertainment Deductions


By: Morgan K. Webster, CPA



Writing off meals and entertainment as business expenses can be complex at times. Some things are 100% deductible, some are 50%, and a few are nondeductible. It all depends on the purpose of the meal or event, and who benefits from it.


The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 issued a temporary 100% deduction for businesses for food and beverage expenses that are provided by a restaurant for amounts paid after December 31, 2020 and before January 1, 2023. These expenses were formerly 50% deductible under the TCJA. A restaurant, as defined under IRS Notice 2021-25, is a “business that prepares and sells food or beverages to retail customers for immediate consumption, regardless of whether the food or beverages are consumed on the business’s premises”.


The temporary 100% deduction does not include food and beverages provided by grocery stores, specialty food stores, liquor stores, vending machines, etc.


Entertainment expenses are still nondeductible. Food and beverages purchased at an entertainment activity are still 50% deductible if the food and beverages are purchased separately from the cost of the entertainment, or if the food and beverage is separated out on a bill or receipt.


In order to maximize your tax deductions for your business, we suggest your trial balance accounts reflect the following:


  • 50% meals
  • Restaurant meals (100%)
  • Whole-staff lunches (100%)
  • Entertainment (0%)


If you have any questions on this guidance, please contact your Whalen advisor for assistance.



TIGTA reports IRS swamped with backlog of unprocessed returns

TIGTA (Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration) has conducted and audit and reported that the unprocessed individual returns, as well as the additional returns and correspondence in the Error Resolution, Rejects, and Unpostables functions and the Accounts Management inventory, include returns, etc. for taxpayers who still have not received their tax year 2019 tax refunds, the audit noted.

TIGTA stressed that IRS’s ability to resolve the backlog may well be impacted by the need to divert manpower and other resources to issuing economic impact payments or an unforeseen closure of Tax Processing Centers due to the pandemic. “The ability of these taxpayers to contact the IRS to receive updated information about the status of their refunds is a further challenge as staffing issues continue to hinder the IRS’s ability to provide adequate customer service,” the audit said.

The bulk of the work done at Tax Processing Centers “is not conducive to a telework environment,” TIGTA said. As described in the audit, “this work includes the receiving, sorting, and distributing of mail and the processing of paper tax returns, which requires manually inputting information from the tax return into IRS systems, correcting errors, and corresponding with the taxpayer, if needed.”

IRS has been able to restore most of its toll-free taxpayer assistance telephone lines and reopen many of its Taxpayer Assistance enters, the audit said.

PPP Deadline Extension Signed Into Law

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) application deadline formally changed from March 31 to May 31 this week when President Joe Biden signed the extension into law.


The U.S. Senate had voted 92-7 last week to approve the PPP Extension Act of 2021, H.R. 1799, sending the legislation to the president for his signature.


The additional 60 days provided by the bill will provide additional time to for businesses to complete existing PPP loan applications and file new ones. The bill also provides the SBA time to address significant loan application process challenges, including validation and error codes, delayed guidance, and changes to the PPP loan amount calculation for self-employed borrowers.


Patrick Kelley, associate administrator for the SBA’s Office of Capital Access, testified during a Senate Small Business Committee meeting Wednesday that 190,000 applications were still held up in the SBA’s PPP platform due to unresolved error codes related to validation checks instituted by the SBA to help prevent fraudulent applications from being funded.


The PPP Extension Act does not provide any additional funding for the current round of the PPP, which Congress provided with more than $290 billion to make forgivable loans to small businesses and not-for-profits. From the program’s opening on Jan. 11 through March 21, the SBA has approved more than 3.1 million loans totaling nearly $196 billion.


If you have any questions or need assistance with this, please contact your Whalen advisor.



SOURCE: Journal of Accountancy