News & Tech Tips

Employee Retention Tax Credit Update

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 that was signed into law on December 27, 2020 includes several significant changes to the Employee Retention Tax Credit. 


The new law affects the credit for both 2020 and 2021. The most significant change is that taxpayers who previously received PPP funding that was forgiven (or is expected to be forgiven) can now also qualify for the Employee Retention Tax Credit.


Here are the key updates regarding the Employee Retention Tax Credit for 2020 for businesses who employed 100 or fewer employees in 2019, or paid employees who are not performing services in 2020:


  • Businesses with operations that were fully or partially suspended during 2020 due to government orders related to COVID-19 may qualify for the credit


  • Businesses with a 2020 quarterly decline of more than 50% in gross receipts when compared to the same quarter in 2019 may qualify for the credit


  • The maximum credit is 50% of the first $10,000 in wages paid to an employee between March 12, 2020 and December 31, 2020


  • Aggregation rules apply to the 100 employee limit



Here are the key updates regarding the Employee Retention Tax Credit for 2021 for businesses who employed 500 or fewer employees in 2019, or paid employees who are not performing services in 2021:


  • Businesses with operations that were fully or partially suspended during 2021 due to government orders related to COVID-19 may qualify for the credit


  • Businesses with a 2021 quarterly decline of more than 20% in gross receipts when compared to the same quarter in 2019 may qualify for the credit


  • The maximum credit is 70% of the first $10,000 in wages paid to an employee during the first quarter of 2021 and another 70% of the first $10,000 in wages paid to an employee during the second quarter of 2021. This allows for a maximum credit of $14,000 per employee over the first two quarters of 2021.


  • Aggregation rules apply to the 500 employee limit


The same wages that were used for PPP forgiveness or any other tax credit, such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, cannot be used for the Employee Retention Tax Credit. The new tax legislation also allows group health plan expenses to be considered qualified wages for the Employee Retention Tax Credit.


There are also new rules that allow businesses who were not in existence for all or part of 2019, or all or part of 2020, to be able to claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit.


The 2020 Employee Retention Tax Credit can be obtained by filing or amending the 4th quarter 941 tax return due January 31, 2020. The 2021 Employee Retention Tax Credit can be obtained by filing or amending the 1st quarter 941 tax return due April 30, 2021 and/or the 2nd quarter 941 tax return due July 31, 2021.





We are providing two flowcharts that visually show the process of qualifying for the Employee Retention Tax Credit. One flowchart is for 2020 and the other is for 2021.


In addition, we are providing a questionnaire that can assist us in identifying if your company is a candidate for the Employer Retention Tax Credit.


Please complete the questionnaire and email it back to your advisor at Whalen & Company if you feel you may qualify for this tax credit. Your advisor can provide assistance navigating the new rules pertaining to the Employee Retention Tax Credit and help determine whether you qualify.

Commercial Activity Tax (CAT) Update

Due to Ohio statutes for Commercial Activity Tax (CAT) reporting purposes, in addition to regular revenue typically reported for CAT filing, businesses this year must also include:


  • The gross proceeds received from the 3 special BWC rebates issued in 2020 – issued around April, October and December


  • Grants received from Ohio, county or local jurisdictions


  • EIDL grants for the CARES Act



Please note that the Ohio Department of Taxation has specifically excluded forgiveness of PPP loans and employee retention credits, so these proceeds do not have to be included for CAT reporting.  



If you have any questions about this update or would like to discuss your situation specifically, please contact your Whalen advisor for assistance.

Paycheck Protection Program Loan Necessity Questionnaire

Last week, the SBA released finalized forms for a PPP Loan Necessity Questionnaire.


Businesses and not-for-profits that received $2 million or more in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans must complete one of two new loan necessity questionnaires being sent to lenders by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for distribution to borrowers.


The new forms are designed to collect supplemental information SBA loan reviewers will use in evaluating the good-faith certification borrowers made on their PPP applications that economic uncertainty made their loan request necessary to support ongoing operations.


The forms are available to view:


SBA Form 3509: Paycheck Protection Program Loan Necessity Questionnaire (For-Profit Borrowers)


SBA Form 3510: Paycheck Protection Program Loan Necessity Questionnaire (Non-Profit Borrowers)



For any questions or assistance with this form, please contact your Whalen advisor.



SOURCE: Journal of Accountancy

Another Round of 2020 BWC Refunds for Ohio Employers

The Ohio BWC announced this week that they are issuing a $5 billion dividend to ease the financial pressures organizations may be experiencing amid the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


This is being issued in addition to a recent $1.3 billion dividend that was issued at the end of October.


Checks will be mailed by the BWC to eligible employers in Mid-December.



How much will an employer receive?


BWC defines the private employer dividend as 372% of billed premium for eligible employers for the policy period of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. BWC will apply the percentage to the blended premium amount.


BWC defines the public employer dividend as 372% of billed premium for eligible employers for the policy period of Jan. 1, 2019, through Dec. 31, 2019. BWC will apply the percentage to the blended premium amount.



Who is eligible for the dividend?


Eligibility is defined as follows:


  1. State Insurance Fund employers (private employers or public employer taxing districts only).
  2. The employer must have reported payroll greater than zero for the applicable policy period.
  3. The employer must have been billed premium for the applicable policy period.
  4. Employers must have completed their payroll true-up for policy year 2019 as of Oct. 2, 2020.
  5. The employer must be in an active, reinstated, combined, cancelled – business sold, or debtor-in-possession status or, in a lapsed status with a lapse date of Jan. 1, 2020 or later as of Oct. 2, 2020.



For further details on this dividend, please visit the BWC website here.



If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please contact your Whalen advisor.




Small Business Relief Grant

The Small Business Relief Grant is designed to provide relief to Ohio businesses that have been negatively affected by COVID-19.


Governor Mike DeWine has designated up to $125 million of funding received by the State of Ohio from the federal CARES Act to provide $10,000 grants to small businesses to help them through the current crisis.


The program, which will begin accepting applications November 2, 2020, will be administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency.


For the full Terms and Conditions for participation in the Small Business Relief Grant, please click here.



For questions or assistance with the application process, please contact your Whalen advisor.




SOURCE: Ohio Development Services Agency